Trex 313 Poker

Main pot: $95973 between ahtata, trex313 and HarrisMP, won by trex313 Side pot 1: $194768 between ahtata and trex313, won by trex313. Results: HarrisMP didn’t show ahtata had K, 4, K, 8 (flush, King high). Trex313 had K, 2, 6, 9 (full house, sixes over twos). Outcome: trex313 won $290738. Poker Training Videos-Watch as Gus Hansen makes a key mistake when playing a $200-$400 HU Pot Limit Om.

Say it aint so….maybe his wife is controlling his finances…from the Chat Box on Full Tilt as of 2/11 (note: this except was jacked from PokerRoad)

Trex 313 Poker Tournaments

But Dwan has proved that he’s still capable of winning big in online poker, despite dedicating most of his time to live cash games in recent years. Tags: 2-7 Triple Draw games, Ben 'Sauce1234' Sulsky, durrrr, Full Tilt Poker, Hac 'trex313' Dang, Phil 'OMGClayAiken' Galfond, Tom Dwan. Urindanger and Hac Dang aka. Trex313 have been winning a lot – especially trex313 have seemed to be unbeatable. Hac Dang has managed to book already winnings worth $800.000 this year alone at Full Tilt Poker. Phil Ivey has been playing a lot against trex313 – with bad result.

trex313: hey
trex313: i’m at your big boy table
trex313: if you wanted to play higher
Phil Ivey: im broke right now. this is the whole load
trex313: oh
Phil Ivey: cant get in touch with anyone
trex313: you want to crossbook double?
trex313: or you want to just play this
Phil Ivey: call me
trex313: i don’t know your phone number
Phil Ivey: get it from someone
trex313: who knows your number?
Phil Ivey: u have erick lindgrens number
trex313: lemme see if mike’s on
Phil Ivey: zigmund
Phil Ivey: patrick
trex313: matasow
trex313: matasow’s not answering
trex313: howa bout i xferr you the money
trex313: on here
trex313: since you have more credit than me
trex313: since everyone knows you
Phil Ivey: ok i will send it back to u tommorow if i
lose and if i win i will send it to u tonight
trex313: okay
trex313: how much
Phil Ivey: ante up for now
Phil Ivey: 200000
trex313: are we crossboking?
Phil Ivey: u know how it works?
trex313: no tell me
trex313: or should we just wait til you get the 200
trex313: then just play it straight up
Phil Ivey: lets jus play 5 and 10 until u get my
number and then we can discuss how it works and
play really high
trex313: 5 and 10?
trex313: here?
Phil Ivey: yeah

Trex 313 Poker Game


Trex 313 Poker Table

so he isn’t broke, just has to deal with transferring money on/off like the rest of us donkeys…