Monster Hunter World Decoration Slot Level

  1. Monster Hunter World Iceborne Decoration Farming Guide. There are three ways to unlock decorations in Iceborne, and we’ll break those out here in this guide. Playing through regular investigations for materials will grant you decorations, as it seems Iceborne is a bit more generous in this respect.
  2. HR 30 tempered are best for Worn Feystones and sometimes a Warped Feystone. Best oveall choice to get every decoration gem in the game as a reward (class A-S) HR 50 slightly more chance to get Warped Feystone but less chance for Worn Feystone and no chance for a Class C decoration. HR 50 is usually not worth the hassle because monsters hit like a truck and the reward isn't exactly better but with a proper working group it doesn't matter that much. However, if solo or farming for all.
  3. Depending on the number of Skill Points, Decorations come in sizes that require from one to three slots, with three-slot Decorations being endowed with the greatest number of points. 3: Of course, if you plan on using a three-slot Decoration, you should have three slots open on either your armor or weapon.

U can get decoration 1-5 pcs. The only important skill that you need is botanist level 4. Get event quest flora frostbite go teleport to camp number 15 on left side you can see the plants. I mean decorations are already random it is proven in an other video that most lv4 decoration simply gives 2 point of a skill exaple lv4 focus deco give 2/3 of focus skill the thing i suspect is that there are simply some level 4 decos that instead of giving 2 points of a skill give one point in a skill and one in an other.

The new level 4 decorations in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (MHW:IB) are broken up into four rarities: Rarity 9 (R9), Rarity 10 (R10), Rarity 11 (R11) and Rarity 12 (R12). Feystones follow a similar pattern in that there are Ancient Feystones (R9), Carved Feystones (R10) and Sealed Feystones (R11). The higher the rarity of Feystone the better the odds of a higher rarity decoration.

For a full list of all decorations you can go here. A bit of scrolling and you'll find the start of the list of level 4 decorations (starts with Fire Res Jewel+).

First and foremost let's go over drop rates starting with Feystone drop rates from Tempered investigations. All drop rate information was taken from here. I'm not going to be including the Feystone drop rates from hunting in the Guiding Lands since the data we currently have for it is rather incomplete.

Threat LvlAncientCarvedSealed
Threat 170%30%-
Threat 230%60%10%
Threat 3-60%40%

Then we have the drop rates of decorations by rarity from the Feystones. The percentages below do not add up to 100% since there is a chance you can get the base game decorations from Master Rank Feystones.

FeystoneRare 9Rare 10Rare 11Rare 12

From that information I've put together a quick table on the best methods for farming each of the different rarities of decorations. More information on how go about these methods will be provided below.

9Completing T1/T2 investigations
Melding Spiritvein Slogbones from GL T1 monsters
Event Quest: 'The Wrath of Thunder Descends'
10Completing T2/T3 investigations
Melding Spiritvein Solidbones from GL T2 monsters
Event Quest: 'The Wrath of Thunder Descends'
11Completing T2/T3 investigations
Melding Spiritvein Solidbones from GL T2 monsters
Event Quest: 'The Wrath of Thunder Descends'
Event Quests: Supply Cache Tempered Elders
12Completing T3 investigations
Event Quest: 'The Wrath of Thunder Descends'
Event Quests: Supply Cache Tempered Elders

In terms of actually being able to pursue these methods you're going to need to hit certain Master Rank (MR) requirements. If you've completed the main story then, once that MR cap has been removed, your MR will likely be high enough that you'll able to farm T1/T2 investigations. You can either gather tracks/break parts in other hunter's T1/T2 quests online or from one of the T1/T2 optional quests (e.g. this one for T1, this one for T2). You'll also be able to eventually get more T1/T2 investigations in the Guiding Lands.

Spiritvein Slogbones are available for farming once you leveled up a biome in the Guiding Lands to level 4 so that T1 monsters start spawning. Spiritvein Solidbones are available once you get to MR49, complete the assigned quest to remove your MR cap and then level up biomes to level 5 so that some of the T2 monsters start spawning. Once you get to MR69 and remove your MR cap again you'll have full access to all T2 monsters in the Guiding Lands. You can go here to find a full list of what monsters spawn where in the Guiding Lands. Spiritvein Solidbones can also be obtained by melding 6x Elder Spiritvein Bones obtained by hunting T3 Elders in the Guiding Lands (more below).

T3 investigations are not available until you've reached MR99 and, once again, removed your MR cap via the assigned quest that you get from reaching that MR level. From there you can gather tracks/break parts in other hunter's T3 quests online, in a Guiding Lands biome that you've leveled up to level 7 or in one of the high MR optional quests (e.g. this one). Keep in mind if you're having trouble completing T3 investigations, and if you can complete two T2 investigations in the same amount of time it takes you to complete one T3 investigation you might be better off just sticking to T2 investigations.

What are the MHW Decorations? Monster Hunter World, MHW in short features a story where hunters hunt monsters. To fight them you need good weapons, good armors, overall a good build. Decorations are the core aspect of this build and MHW decoration farming is a kind of important topic to discuss. Here I will answer your question on how to farm decorations quickly in Monster Hunter World. Why it is important and how it plays a vital role in defeating monsters.

MHW Decoration Farming Guide

Monster Hunter World has three tiers of decorations. Each impacts a different attribute, understanding three tiers, and how the can change your game is highly important. Here are the details.

  1. Small Decorations: Boost Vitality, Attack Boost, and Critical Eye.
  2. Medium Decorations: Weakness Exploit, Critical Boost, and Max Might.
  3. Large Decorations: Free Ammo, Handicraft, etc.

This MHW decoration farming guide will help you to understand all these three tiers and also obtaining feystones from tempered monsters investigation. In Monster Hunter World Iceborn old decoration is not retired, they still have a slot in the build. Maxing them out will be highly useful while hunting.

Monster Hunter World Decoration Slot Leveling

Monster Hunter World Decoration Slot Level

Ways to farm Decorations in Monster Hunter World

  1. Investigations
  2. Event Quest
  3. Elder Melder
  4. Tempered Monsters – Maxed Rank

There are four ways to farm decorations in the game, starting from the Investigation part you will be finding these mission regularly. Completing investigation unlocks decoration and in MHW Iceborn you will find more of these.

Some event quest also unlocks decorations but there is no accurate drop rate. The third way for mhw decoration farming is Elder Melder. Visit her for Warped Streamstoned, but this requires high commendations and research point.

Unlocking Soul Stream I and Soul Stream II at the Elder Melder allows you to unlock new streamstones. But they are highly expensive and can consume a lot of resources. So it is necessary to choose wisely what you want. For Level 4 Decorations Feystones, focus on Soul Stream 2.

The last and final way to farm decoration in Monster Hunter World is playing the new Master Rank Tempered monsters. Look for a tempered quest that is unlocked at Master Rank in MHW. Completing each quest will reward you with around 4 to 5 rewards.

Reward level rises with quest difficulty, the high-rank quest will reward you with more streamstones, but they are also challenging. Focus on tempered investigations for farming feystones in the monster hunter world.

The best way to farm Decorations in Monster Hunter World

If you are looking for a single best way to farm Decoration in Monsters Hunter World then focus on tempered monster investigations. Completing each investigation unlocks 5 Rewards Boxes. You can either find feystones or streamstones in them. You can then transform streamstones into decorations.

Monster Hunter World Decoration Slot Level Bonus

Tempered monster investigations or Tempered Monsters is a way to deal with high-rank monsters. To unlock Tempered Monsters you will have to find clues for Elder Dragon Tracks. You will come across odd tracks while exploring the region around you. High-Rank Monsters have purple glow over them, defeating them can give you high rewards. Also breaking their parts will unlock new investigations.

The most important thing to see is Threat Level before you jump into Tempered Monsters quest. There are three threat levels, and here is a list of all High-Rank monsters in Monster Hunter World.

Threat Level 1 Monsters:

  • Pukei-Pukei
  • Tobi-Kadachi
  • Anjanath
  • Barroth
  • Jyuratodus
  • Rathian
  • Paolumu
  • Radobaan

Threat Level 2 Monsters:

  • Rathalos
  • Azure Rathalos
  • Pink Rathian
  • Diablos
  • Black Diablos
  • Bazelgeuse
  • Uragaan
  • Lavasioth
  • Legiana
  • Odogaron

Threat Level 3 Monsters:

  • Kirin
  • Teostra
  • Kushala Daora
  • Nergigante
  • Vaal Hazak

So this is how you can follow up completing Tempered Monsters investigation and unlock decorations in Monster Hunter World. A tough process to follow but this is how you can unlock the best build in MHW.